
Registration site is now open!


July 13, 2018: Early bird registration & abstract registration for poster/oral presentation and round table discussions   Closed.

August 31, 2018: Late bird registration for congress, banquet & summary books Closed.

Only fellow members of Ornithological Society of Japan (who paid annual membership fee for 2018) can become presenters for poster/oral presentations and hosts for round table discussions.

All participants for late bird registration, transfer money at first acoordig to "Congress fees", after that registrate from the following "REGISTRATION SITE." It is the same for who purchase only summary books.

If you plan to have an poster or oral presentation, and/or host round table discussions, fill out registration form about them.

For poster and oral presentation, write the abstracts in the registration form. The abstracts have a limit less than 470 characters. Figures and tables can not add into them.

For round table dicussion, send the abstract files by e-mail to dedicated address (osj2018.happyo(at) Send the abstracts in manner of"Round Table Discussion. "

You can attend the congress if you pay regular fee at the reception on the day. Check out the fees here.

↑ Click and enter the resistration site Closed.